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1. Organize your pictures

WebAlbum allows you to organize your pictures, move them into your directories, preview and add description. If you have a digital camera think about describing your vacation and your stories along with your pictures.


2. Generate static HTML pages

You like your pictures and you want them to be published on the internet. First you need to create web pages. If you have done it before you know it is very time consuming to have your images resized, maintain your index pages and add comments on your pictures. WebAlbum allows you to create you own templates and to use simple functions to resize your pictures. You can also use the given template to do your work.

An example of output can be seen here


3. Publish your pictures on the Internet

Just click a button and see your pictures and your pages being transfered to your personal website. Just give your FTP connection to have your newly created files on the server. The copy is optimized (multi-threaded) to be as fast as possible.



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